October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

10 Tips For Increasing Employee Morale At Your Restaurant

10 Tips For Increasing Employee Morale At Your Restaurant


The restaurant industry is known for demanding long hours and working under pressure. So, to increase employee morale at your restaurant, you need to create an environment that fosters positive relationships between employees and shows them their hard work is valued. Here are 10 tips for promoting employee morale in your restaurant:

10 Tips For Increasing Employee Morale At Your Restaurant

Listen to your employees.

Listening is a skill that can be learned. It’s important to listen not just for the words your employees are saying, but also for how they say them. When you hear an employee talking about how they feel or what they want in their lives, make sure to listen carefully and try to understand what they mean by this. If someone says “I’m sick of working here,” don’t assume that means “this job sucks”–it could just mean that this particular job doesn’t align with their interests or skills anymore! By paying attention and trying not only hear but understand what your employees are saying, you’ll increase morale in no time at all!

Give employees positive feedback.

There’s nothing more satisfying than a little praise. When you acknowledge your employees for doing a good job, it makes them feel valued and appreciated. That’s why giving positive feedback is one of the best things you can do for employee morale.

In addition to praising accomplishments and successes, make sure to give constructive criticism when necessary. This will help them improve their performance in the future so that everyone wins!

Encourage teamwork through team building exercises.

Team building exercises are a great way to help employees feel like they are part of something bigger. At your restaurant, you can encourage teamwork by having your staff participate in activities that will bring them closer together as a team. Some examples include:

  • Trust falls – This activity involves getting everyone involved to fall backwards onto the ground while being caught by one or more other people (the truster). It’s fun and helps build trust between coworkers who may not know each other well yet!
  • Trust walks – For this exercise, participants stand facing each other with their arms outstretched so that their hands touch at about shoulder height and then walk forward until they feel comfortable doing so without letting go of one another’s hands until someone feels uncomfortable doing so anymore (or until someone accidentally loses balance). This teaches people how far they’re willing to go for others when necessary–and also gives them practice at trusting others with their own safety/well-being since there’s always risk involved when trying new things like these!
  • Trust games – These types involve asking questions where only certain answers can be given due to how many options there are available within each category (e.,g., “I’d rather work with my boss than against him/her”). They’re helpful because they give insight into what motivates different personality types within an organization which helps management better understand how best approach each individual employee regarding projects coming up later down line.”

Demonstrate respect and courtesy to everyone at work.

Respect and courtesy are important in any workplace. As a manager, it’s your job to set the tone for how your employees interact with each other and with customers.

If you want to increase employee morale at your restaurant, then you need to demonstrate respect and courtesy towards everyone at work–not just those who report directly to you.

For example:

  • If an employee has been having trouble keeping up with their work load lately because they’ve been sick or had other personal issues going on outside of work hours (which happens), don’t take it out on them by yelling at them when they take too long getting back from break time because “the guests are waiting.” Instead offer them some flexibility so that they can get some extra rest without feeling rushed back into working overtime unnecessarily just because someone else is late coming back from break as well (which happens).

Show appreciation for your employees’ hard work through rewards and incentives.

  • Recognize employees for their hard work.
  • Show appreciation for employees’ contributions.
  • Reward employees for their hard work and successes, whether it’s a bonus or an additional day off from work. This will show the employee that you value them as an individual, which will make them feel more valued in general and invested in the company’s success as well.
  • Incentivize employees to work harder by offering incentives such as gift cards or prizes like lunch with the boss (if you’re a small restaurant).

Create a culture of inclusion.

In a restaurant, it’s important to create a culture of inclusion. This can be done by promoting diversity and inclusion in your workplace. However, it’s important that you don’t just focus on gender, race and ethnicity when creating this culture; include people with different skills and experiences as well as those who come from different backgrounds or perspectives.

Establish clear, concise expectations from the beginning, and follow up with a clear plan for success.

Establish clear, concise expectations from the beginning, and follow up with a clear plan for success.

Set goals and objectives that are realistic to achieve within the time frame you have allotted. This will allow employees to feel like they are making progress towards their larger goal, which can help build employee morale and engagement in their work.

Communicate those expectations clearly; it’s important to let your staff know what is expected of them as well as how they can improve if they’re not meeting those standards yet (or ever). Keep communication open throughout this process by asking for feedback from your team members regularly so that everyone feels heard and valued at all times–this will also help keep productivity high because people won’t feel like they’re being left out when decisions are made about things like hiring new staff members or updating equipment/services at work!

Follow up with regular check-ins on progress toward these goals over time so everyone knows where things stand currently versus where we want them too be eventually down line once everything has been completed successfully within budgeted amounts during each fiscal quarter cycle period cycle period cycle…

Set clear consequences for behavior that does not align with company standards of conduct or ethics.

It’s important that your employees know what is expected of them and what will happen if they fail to meet those expectations.

For example, if an employee has a problem with another employee, it is critical that you have clear consequences in place for behavior that does not align with company standards of conduct or ethics. If someone violates a policy, there must be swift action taken against them–and everyone else should know about it so they can avoid similar problems in the future.

Keep the lines of communication open between you and your employees at all times.

It’s no secret that communication is the key to success. By keeping the lines of communication open between you and your employees at all times, they will be able to ask questions and get answers about what is expected of them. This can be done verbally or written, but it also includes visual cues like posters or videos posted around the restaurant that show what kind of behavior is expected from employees when working with customers.

Creating a culture that motivates employees begins with trust in leadership

Creating a culture that motivates employees begins with trust in leadership. Employees want to feel like they’re part of a team, and that their leaders are trustworthy and honest. A lack of trust can cause an employee to feel disconnected from the company, which will lead them to disengage from their work and eventually leave the business altogether.

To create this culture of trust:

  • Demonstrate respect for your employees by listening to their ideas, showing interest in their lives outside work (including celebrations or hardships), and communicating openly about any issues that arise within the restaurant or among coworkers
  • Lead by example by being honest about mistakes you make as a manager or leader–this shows others they should be open with their own mistakes as well; it also gives them confidence in your ability to handle situations effectively


If you want to keep your employees motivated and happy, you need to listen to them. You also need to give them positive feedback, encourage teamwork through team building exercises and demonstrate respect and courtesy towards everyone at work. The best way to do this is by setting clear expectations from the beginning, following up with a clear plan for success and establishing clear consequences for behavior that does not align with company standards or ethics