October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

5 Things To Consider Before Buying Access Control & Data Security Products

5 Things To Consider Before Buying Access Control & Data Security Products


Access control and data security are two critical functions of any business. And while they may seem like separate worlds, they’re actually closely tied together. This means that when you’re considering an access control solution, it’s important to know what data is being protected and how you can ensure that it’s safe from breaches or hacks. In this article we’ll discuss five things that you should keep in mind when evaluating an access control system for your facility:

5 Things To Consider Before Buying Access Control & Data Security Products

1. An Access Control System is only as good as its weakest link.

An access control system is only as good as its weakest link. The weakest link could be the door, the lock, the card or reader, or even software. The most common weakness in an access control system is people who don’t follow procedures and policies.

If you look at any building with a security guard at the front desk and an alarm system on every window and door–that’s still not enough protection if someone forgets their badge when they leave work for lunch! A good example of this was seen during Hurricane Sandy when many businesses lost power but kept operating by using emergency generators until they ran out of fuel (or were flooded). Because there was no electricity going into their buildings’ fire alarms systems nothing sounded when these companies started burning down around them

2. Talk to your existing partners about their data security practices

  • Talk to your existing partners about their data security practices

Armed with this information, you can then go back to the manufacturer or distributor and ask them how they protect their own data. You’ll be able to gauge whether or not there are gaps in the system by comparing what you know about their procedures against what you learned from talking with other companies that have used similar products.

3. Don’t be scared of the technology.

Don’t be scared of the technology.

It’s not as scary as you think, and it can actually help you do your job better! You may be thinking that this sounds like a sales pitch from some company trying to sell you their product. Well, it is (kind of). But we’re also here to help with something even more important than selling products: giving you advice so that when someone asks what kind of access control system they should buy for their business or organization, they know how best to answer them.

4. Don’t be scared of the cost

It’s important to remember that the cost of your access control and data security systems will vary depending on the size of your project. The same goes for the type of product you choose, as well as how many doors need protecting. If you’re looking for a simple solution to keep unauthorized people out of one room in an office building with two entrances, then there are cheaper options available than if you were trying to secure an entire campus with dozens or hundreds of doors throughout it.

For example:

  • A basic door lock can cost anywhere from $50-$200 depending on whether or not it has any additional features like keypads (which allow users who have been granted access through their ID badges or cards) or biometrics sensors (which read fingerprints). These devices offer basic protection but provide little opportunity for customization; they may also require additional hardware such as card readers/scanners if no existing technology currently exists within your facility’s infrastructure

5. Look for a partner that understands both access control and data security

The best way to ensure that your data is safe from cyberattacks is to partner with a company that understands both access control and data security. This will allow you to get the most out of your physical security system, as well as cybersecurity measures.

When it comes to access control and data security, it’s important to find a partner that understands both areas

When it comes to access control and data security, it’s important to find a partner that understands both areas. The two are complementary and should be considered together when making decisions about your business’ safety.

Using the right technology can help protect your customers, employees and other assets from harm. A good example of this is using biometrics as part of an overall security strategy–such as fingerprint scanning in conjunction with video surveillance cameras or facial recognition software–to ensure only authorized people have access to certain areas or rooms within your building or on-site locations like warehouses or storage units.


We hope that this article has helped you understand what it means to have an access control and data security solution in your building. We know that there is a lot of information out there and it can be overwhelming, but we promise that if you take the time to learn about these systems and ask questions of your vendors, then you will end up with a system that works well for everyone involved!