October 21, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Building a Strong Online Presence: A Step-By-Step Guide

Building a Strong Online Presence: A Step-By-Step Guide


If you’re new to the world of e-commerce, you might be wondering how you can build an online presence for your business. Building an online presence is no small feat. In fact, it’s a lot of work that requires time and effort—and money! That’s why we compiled this guide for you to help you get started on building your own strong online presence.

Building a Strong Online Presence: A Step-By-Step Guide

1. Create a Website

First, you need to create a website. You can do this for free with platforms such as WordPress or Blogger. Once you have your site up and running, make sure it has all of the following:

  • Mobile-friendly design – A large number of people use their phones to browse the internet these days so it’s important that your site is easy to navigate on any device.
  • Easy navigation – Visitors should be able to find what they’re looking for with minimal effort and hassle. Keep in mind that the average user spends less than 15 seconds reviewing a web page before deciding whether or not they want more information about it; if they can’t find what they want quickly enough then chances are good that they’ll move on without even taking another look at what else might be offered by this particular site (or even worse yet…they may never come back again!).
  • Security measures – It goes without saying that anyone who creates an online presence should take steps towards ensuring that their personal information stays secure from prying eyes (both human & mechanical).

2. Use Social Media to Engage Your Customers

Social media is a very important tool for e-commerce. It allows you to engage your customers, improve sales and stay in touch with them.

Here are some ways you can use social media to engage your customers:

  • Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to post about products and services that you offer. This will help people find out more about what you have to offer them as well as keeping them updated on new products or services that may interest them.
  • Reply promptly when someone comments on one of your posts. This will show people how much value they can get out of interacting with your brand online because they know that their opinion matters too!

3. Leverage Blogging to Increase Traffic

Blogging is a great way to increase your online visibility and build trust with your audience. Blogging can help you to:

  • Build relationships with readers by providing useful information, answering questions, and sharing stories that they can relate to.
  • Establish yourself as an authority in your field by providing expert advice on topics relevant to your industry or niche.

4. Get Found in Search Engines

Now that you have a website, it’s time to start getting found in search engines.

  • Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques like keywords and meta data to improve your website’s ranking on Google and other major search engines.
  • Ensure that the title of each page on your site has relevant keywords as well as a few variations of those keywords in order to maximize exposure throughout the web. This includes any text links leading back into or away from your site as well as embedded images with alt tags containing those same terms–you want everyone who lands on one page at least glancing over another one!
  • Use relevant images and videos on every page if possible; not only do these make browsing faster but they also increase engagement which can help boost rankings even further!

5. Make Content Marketing Work for You

Content marketing is the best way to get traffic and build your brand. The key to successful content marketing is thinking long-term, not short-term. It’s not about SEO (search engine optimization) or getting lots of links, but rather creating valuable content that people want to read and share with others.

Content marketing is also not just about producing blog posts or videos; it includes any form of media that helps you communicate with your audience in a meaningful way over time: interviews with experts on your topic(s), infographics explaining complex ideas in simple ways, photos from events where you’ve spoken or participated as an exhibitor…the list goes on!

6. Do Not Forget About Outreach

Outreach is not only a crucial part of your marketing strategy, but it’s also one of the easiest ways to get started. Reach out to people who would be interested in what you have to offer, and they will reach back!

Here are some tips on how to use social media as an outreach tool:

  • Post regularly–posting too frequently can annoy followers and make them unsubscribe from your channel. However, posting infrequently will mean that people don’t see all of your content at once (and thus won’t remember everything you shared). A good rule of thumb is 2-4 times per week unless otherwise specified by Facebook or Instagram (their algorithms prefer more frequent posting).
  • Use hashtags–if someone searches for a specific hashtag on Instagram or Twitter (e.g., #travel), their post will show up in search results even if they don’t follow each other directly; this makes it easier for potential customers who may not know about each other yet but share similar interests nonetheless!

7. Tools to Help You on the Way

In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular content marketing tools you can use to help you on your way.

  • Content Marketing Tools
  • SEO Tools (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Social Media Tools
  • Email Marketing Tools

In addition to these categories, there are also analytics tools that will help you measure how well your social media posts are performing and what kind of engagement they receive from users.

Online presence is the key to succeed in e-commerce today

You may have heard of the term “online presence.” It’s a buzzword in the e-commerce world and it’s what you need to build if you want your business to succeed. Online presence is essential for any modern business because it gives customers easy access to information about your company, products and services.

If you don’t already have an online presence, then this guide will help you get started on building one by teaching how to create a strong one step by step.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on how to build a strong online presence. We know it can be a bit overwhelming, but the key is to remember that you don’t have to do everything at once! Start with one or two strategies and then build from there as time goes on. If you’re looking for more information about how we can help with your e-commerce business or website, please contact us today!