October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Building Trust: Ensuring Third-Party Security in Your Business Operations

Building Trust: Ensuring Third-Party Security in Your Business Operations


As a business owner, you likely have a lot on your plate. You may be wondering how to make sure that one specific part of your operations is operating as securely as possible. That’s where third-party security comes in: It’s all about ensuring that the data stored by or transmitted through third parties—including vendors, contractors, and others who might handle sensitive information—is secure. If you’re not sure how to do this effectively or efficiently, here are some steps you can take right now:

Building Trust: Ensuring Third-Party Security in Your Business Operations

Encrypting your third-party files

Encrypting your third-party files means that they’re protected with a code that only you and the person who sent them to you know. This helps prevent anyone else from accessing or tampering with those files if they were to get into someone else’s hands.

To encrypt a file, go to “File,” select “Encrypt File” from the dropdown menu, then enter in a password (this can be anything–it doesn’t have to be complicated). Once you’ve done this, every time someone tries opening up one of these encrypted files on their computer or mobile device, they’ll need both: 1) The key for decrypting each individual piece of data inside; and 2) A valid authentication credential (usually via username/password combination) before being able to view its contents.*

Implementing a solid password policy

A strong password policy is an essential part of a secure and trusted business. Passwords should be at least eight characters long, with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. You should also have different passwords for each account you use–that way if one gets hacked, the others are still safe.

Changing your passwords regularly (every month or so) is not only good practice but also mandated by most companies’ security policies; this prevents hackers from gaining access to multiple accounts via one stolen password. Don’t reuse passwords across different sites either; if one site has been compromised by hackers and they gain access to your username/password combo on that site then they can easily use it elsewhere too!

Keeping track of your passwords

  • Use a password manager to keep track of your passwords. The best way to keep track of your passwords is with a secure one-time pad, or SOP.
  • Choose strong passwords that are unique for each account you use and change them regularly–at least once every three months or so, but ideally much more frequently than that (upwards of once per week) if possible.

Encrypting data from backup drives and storage

Encrypting data from backup drives and storage is another important step in securing your data. Encryption helps protect against data loss, which can be especially important when the cloud is involved.

Encryption can be done in the cloud or on-premise, but either way it’s critical for third-party security.

Make sure you’re following secure practices when it comes to third-party security.

When you’re working with third-parties, there are a lot of things to keep in mind. The most important thing is to make sure that you’re following secure practices when it comes to third-party security.

What exactly is third-party security? It’s the process of ensuring that any company or person who has access to your data also follows secure practices and protects your information as best they can. This includes everything from hackers trying to steal information from your website or database, malware infecting an employee’s computer that may expose sensitive data like credit card numbers, or even just an employee sending an email containing sensitive information without encryption (which we’ll talk about later).

There are many examples of third parties: banks who handle your finances; consultants who work on behalf of your company; lawyers who represent you in court cases; etcetera ad infinitum. The list goes on! But regardless of what type or size business you’re running now–or plan on starting soon–you should always be aware not only what kind of information these companies have access too but also how securely they store it so as not pose any risk whatsoever toward yourself personally if something happens down the road.”


As we’ve discussed, there are many ways in which you can ensure that your third-party data is secure. You should always use strong passwords, encrypting files and hard drives whenever possible. You should also keep track of all your passwords so that if one gets compromised by hackers they won’t be able to access all your other accounts as well!