October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Business Strategy: Digitally Enabled Products, Services and Experiences

Business Strategy: Digitally Enabled Products, Services and Experiences


The digital transformation has been a hot topic for years. But what does the term “digitally enabled products and services” really mean? Is it just about connecting your product or service to the internet? Or is it about more than that? What are some examples of digitally enabled products and services? Is there anything you can do as a business owner to take advantage of this trend? In this post, I will answer all of these questions and more.

Business Strategy: Digitally Enabled Products, Services and Experiences

Digital transformation has been a hot topic for years.

You may have heard the term “digital transformation” thrown around a lot. It’s not a new concept, but it is something that you should be thinking about if your company aims to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.

Digital transformation has been happening for years–and it will keep happening as long as technology continues to evolve. Companies can’t just focus on one aspect of their business and expect that they’ll be able to keep up with their competitors; they need to constantly look at every aspect of their operation with fresh eyes and make changes accordingly.

For example, let’s say you have an employee who has been with your company for 20 years because he knows how everything works so well (and does it well). If this person falls ill or retires from his position within your organization, do YOU know how all those systems work? Is there another person on staff who could take over those responsibilities without needing training? Or would someone else need training first? This example shows how important it is for businesses large or small (or even individuals) not only understand but also embrace change because without doing so we’re left behind by those who do!

The major change is the digitalization of the products and services, but there are more important changes to consider.

The major change is the digitalization of the products and services, but there are more important changes to consider.

The digitization of supply chains, production processes and customer relationships are also significant shifts in business strategy.

Digitally enabled products and services are not only digitally connected, but they also benefit from digitization in other ways.

Digitally enabled products and services are not only digitally connected, but they also benefit from digitization in other ways. For example, digitalization can be used to improve the user experience through more intuitive interfaces or easy-to-use software applications. It also makes it easier for businesses to market their products by making it possible for customers to find information about them online without having to call or email first — which could mean fewer salespeople needed on staff!

Digitally enabled products and services have the ability to do things that were never possible before.

Digitally enabled products and services have the ability to do things that were never possible before.

In today’s world, digitally enabled products and services are not only changing how we interact with them, but also how we think about them. For example:

  • A car can now drive itself using sensors and cameras (with no human intervention) for long periods of time without getting lost or distracted by other drivers or pedestrians on the road around it.
  • A fridge can tell you when food is going bad so you don’t have to rely on your memory alone anymore–and even alert someone else if there’s an emergency situation happening in your home while you’re away from home!

Digitally enabled products and services have fewer physical components, but they still have some limitations.

As a business owner, you may be tempted to abandon your physical products and services altogether in favor of digital ones. However, there are some limitations that should be considered when making this decision.

Digital products and services have fewer physical components than their analog counterparts. This can make them more efficient and cost effective for your customers–but it also means they won’t be as durable or easy to repair if something goes wrong with them. In addition, since they’re intangible (not made of matter), they might not always be able to fill the same needs as tangible goods do: for example, if someone wants to buy an item from Amazon but doesn’t have internet access at home or work? They won’t be able to complete their purchase unless there’s another way for them get around this obstacle!

You don’t need to keep up with technology to be successful in business

You don’t need to keep up with technology to be successful in business.

In fact, most of the time, it’s best if you don’t. The reason why is because business strategy isn’t just about technology–it’s about creating value for your customers and finding ways for them to interact with you or use whatever products or services you provide that will make their lives easier, better and more enjoyable.


If you’re not sure where to start with your digital transformation, it’s time to take a step back and consider what your business needs. You don’t need to keep up with technology or be an expert on every new piece of hardware or software that comes out. What matters most is that you know what kind of impact these changes will have on your company and how best to use them in order for them work together as one cohesive unit.