October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning (DR/BCP): Why It’s More Important Than

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning (DR/BCP): Why It’s More Important Than


We’re going to talk about some pretty important things in this article. You’re going to learn all about disaster recovery and business continuity planning, which is not only important for your company but also vital for keeping your data safe. You might be wondering: why do we need this? What steps should we take to plan for a disaster? And how can companies implement DR/BCP? Well, those are all good questions that we’ll answer here today!

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning (DR/BCP): Why It’s More Important Than

What is Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity?

Disaster recovery and business continuity are two terms that often get confused with each other. They’re actually the same thing, but the difference is in their time scale.

Business continuity is about what happens to your company when something goes wrong in the short term–a natural disaster, an attack on your network by hackers or malware, etc. Disaster recovery (DR) is about how you recover from those situations over longer periods of time–the weeks and months after a disaster has occurred and caused damage to your facilities or equipment.

The two terms are often used together: if you’re setting up DR/BCP plans for your business, then chances are good that they’ll apply equally well as BCP plans too!

Why does your company need this?

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning (DR/BCP) is the process of identifying, preparing for and recovering from disasters. It’s also a way to ensure that your company can continue operating in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.

Your organization should have a DR/BCP plan because:

  • It helps keep your business running in times of crisis. When you’re prepared for disaster, you can limit damage to your operations and protect critical data. You’ll also be able to restore operations faster than if you hadn’t planned ahead–which could mean saving money on labor costs! This will give customers peace of mind knowing their favorite brands are still there when they need them most.

What are the main steps in planning for a disaster?

  • Identifying the risks to your business
  • Identifying the threats to your business
  • Assessing each risk and threat, including their likelihood and impact
  • Determining your recovery time objective (RTO)

How can you implement disaster recovery and business continuity planning?

To implement your disaster recovery and business continuity plan, you need to:

  • Make a plan. The first step in any project is creating a detailed outline of what you want to do and how you’re going to do it.
  • Test the plan. Once you’ve made your plan, test it by running through all of its steps in real-life conditions as closely as possible–but not during an actual emergency situation! This will help identify any problems or challenges with the plan before they become costly issues later on down the road when things are already stressful enough without adding more stressors into play as well!
  • Update the plan based on findings from testing sessions (if necessary). After testing an initial version of your DR/BCP strategy against real-world scenarios, make adjustments where necessary so that everyone involved understands exactly what needs doing at each stage along every step within their role’s responsibilities within said strategy.”

Keep your data safe from disasters!

Disaster recovery and business continuity planning (DR/BCP) are critical to keep your data safe from disasters.

It’s important for your business because:

  • You need to keep your customers happy. They won’t be happy if they can’t access their information, especially if it’s an emergency situation such as a fire or flood.
  • You need to keep your employees happy and productive. If they don’t have access to their files, they can’t do their jobs properly–and they may quit!
  • It’s also good for investors because it shows that you’re taking care of their investments by protecting them against potential risks like floods or fires (or even just theft).


Now that you know the basics of disaster recovery and business continuity, it’s time to start planning. Don’t be afraid to get creative! There are many ways to protect your data and ensure its availability in case of an emergency. The most important thing is that you have a plan in place–you don’t want something like this happening on accident!