October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Email Threat Protection, Check! What’s Next? Answering The 4 Critical Questions To Secure Your

Email Threat Protection, Check! What’s Next? Answering The 4 Critical Questions To Secure Your


The threat landscape is constantly changing. As a result, so are our security needs. In order for you to properly secure your company’s digital assets, you need to know how to answer the following questions:

Email Threat Protection, Check! What’s Next? Answering The 4 Critical Questions To Secure Your

The quote that defines this article

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

in a speech on the steps of the capitol in Washington DC on March 4, 1933

1. Are you protected by a firewall?

The first question to ask yourself is: are you protected by a firewall? The answer to this question will determine what type of protection you need, as well as how far along your email security journey is.

For example, if you’re running a business and have never heard of a firewall before, then chances are good that one isn’t protecting your network or devices from malicious attacks. On the other hand, if someone has told you they’ve installed one but they don’t know how to test it or troubleshoot the system when things go wrong (which happens more often than not), then having some form of protection may not be enough for them either!

So what exactly does this mean for us? It means we need to take action now before our inboxes become infected with viruses and ransomware attacks become commonplace in our daily lives again…

2. What do you need to keep secure?

After the threat has been identified, the next step is to determine what needs to be protected. This is where you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • What is the value of what you need to keep secure?
  • What is the value of your data?
  • How much is it worth to you to keep your data secure?

3. Are you protected from DDoS attacks?

DDoS attacks are one of the most common types of cyberattacks. A DDoS attack, or “distributed denial of service,” is when a hacker uses multiple computers to overwhelm a single website with traffic, causing it to crash and/or become unavailable for users. This can happen either on purpose or by mistake; for example, a DDoS attack may occur if an employee accidentally posts an incorrect link on social media that sends thousands of people visiting the wrong site at once (like when Time Warner Cable posted their customer support number instead of their Twitter handle).

A typical sign that you’re being targeted by a DDoS attack: Your website slows down dramatically and becomes inaccessible for some users while still functioning normally for others (although this isn’t always true).

4. Are you ready for ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that locks you out of your computer until you pay a ransom. It’s usually delivered through email or a website, and it can encrypt data on your computer and make it unusable.

If you’re not already protected against ransomware, now is the time to get started! Our Email Threat Protection service includes protection from ransomware attacks like WannaCry and Petya–and it’s included at no extra cost with our Advanced Malware Protection solution.

You need to know how to answer these questions before you can determine the level of threat protection your company needs.

You need to know how to answer these questions before you can determine the level of threat protection your company needs.

You’ll have a better understanding of the risks your organization faces and what information assets are most critical to protect, which will help you make an informed decision about how best to secure them in a way that makes sense for your business.


The most important thing is to be proactive. You can’t just sit back and hope that everything will be okay. You need to know what threats are out there and how they affect your company so that you can make sure it stays protected from attack.