October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Guide To The Non-Technical Side Of Customer Experience

Guide To The Non-Technical Side Of Customer Experience


Customer experience is one of the most important aspects of a business. It’s also one of the most misunderstood. If you have ever had a terrible customer experience, you know that it can feel like there’s little you can do about it. But if you think about how customers interact with businesses in other contexts, such as retail stores or restaurants, it becomes clear that good customer experience isn’t just about technology—it’s about how you think and act as well. Here’s how to make sure your customers are happy and engaged with your brand:

Guide To The Non-Technical Side Of Customer Experience

Customer experience is more than just technology.

Customer experience is more than just technology. It’s about how you think and act, it’s your strategy and the journey of your customers. You need to build a community of customers that will talk about their experiences with your brand, not just when something goes wrong but when things are going well too.

Customer experience is also about using data to shape your strategy rather than letting it happen organically or being reactive by only trying to solve problems after they occur (or worse yet after someone complains).

Focus on the customer’s journey.

The first step to understanding the customer’s journey is to create a customer journey map. This process helps you identify where your customers are in their buying process, what they’re looking for and how they feel about your brand.

The next step is understanding the needs of each stage of the journey – what do they need from you at each point? What information do they want or expect from you? How can you make their experience better by giving them what they need when they need it most?

Understand who your customers are.

Once you understand who your customers are, it’s time to start learning about them. You want to know what their demographics are, what their needs and wants are and how they feel about your product or service. This will help inform how you reach out to them in the future.

Here are some questions that can help:

  • What do they think about our brand? Is there anything we can do better?
  • How do we reach them as efficiently as possible (via email marketing) so that we’re not wasting time on messages that aren’t relevant for each individual customer segmentation group (see below).

Build a community.

Building a community is one of the most important things you can do to create a positive customer experience. A community is a group of people who share interest or values and work together for mutual benefit. In the context of this guide, it refers to an online space where customers can interact with each other as well as with you–and it’s essential for building trust with your audience.

If you already have an established brand presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram (or if you’re thinking about starting one), then building a customer community may seem like an intimidating task: How do I get people interested in my product? Where should I post content? Who should I invite into this thing anyway?

Not to worry! We’ve got some tips for getting started right now:

Use data to shape your customer experience strategy.

The first step in building a customer experience strategy is to use data to understand your customers. This can be done by doing research and conducting surveys, or by using existing information that you’ve collected from other sources (such as calls, emails and social media). Once you know who your customers are, it’s time to make decisions based on this information.

For example: If most of your customers are male millennials living in big cities, then maybe you should focus on providing them with products tailored for their needs. Or if most of them live outside the U.S., then maybe it makes sense for you not only offer an international shipping option but also translate some of your content into other languages so people can read about what makes up the perfect sandwich without needing an interpreter!

Once we have this data-driven understanding of our audience (which will vary depending on what industry/product category), we can start measuring success by monitoring key performance indicators like sales revenue per visitor or pageviews per visitor over time so that we know if we’re improving upon those numbers each month/year etcetera…

Be clear about who you’re serving and why.

It’s important to be clear about who you’re serving and why. The more specific you can get, the better. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Who are our customers?
  • What do they want from us?
  • How can we help them?
  • What is our mission (or purpose)?

Good customer experience is all about how you think and how you act, not just what you do digitally.

There are lots of ways to improve your customer experience, but the most important thing is to understand that it’s not just about technology. It’s about how you think and act, not just what you do digitally.

For example: You could have an amazing website with lots of features and functionality–but if no one ever uses it because everything takes too long or there aren’t clear instructions on how to get started or people don’t trust that their information is safe on your site then all those bells and whistles aren’t going to matter much at all! This can also apply when looking at physical stores; for example if someone comes into a store looking for something specific but can’t find it anywhere because the layout of shelves isn’t thoughtfully organized then frustration ensues instead of pleasant shopping experience (and potential purchase).


Customer experience is more than just technology, and it’s not just about what you do digitally. It’s also about how you think and act as a company, and understanding who your customers are. The best customer experience comes from building relationships with them–and those relationships are built on trust, which can only be earned through consistency over time.