October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

How Behavioral Design Can Improve the Way You Measure and Report Business Results

How Behavioral Design Can Improve the Way You Measure and Report Business Results


If you’re someone who loves data and analytics, then you probably love the idea of behavioral design. You see it as a way to improve your company’s ability to make decisions based on real information—on what your customers are doing, not just what they say. And if you’re someone who doesn’t love data or analytics, this article will help convince you that behavioral design has nothing to do with either thing—it’s more about understanding how people make decisions so that we can build better products and services for them.

So what exactly is behavioral design? It’s the process of using data science techniques like machine learning algorithms to understand how people make decisions in order to drive better outcomes. This sounds like something an academic researcher would do with an undergrad thesis on their way toward tenure; but it’s actually something anyone can do right now! In fact, I’ll show how companies like Google use behavioral science principles every day in order to test new products or features before launch. We’ll also look at some examples of companies who have already done this successfully by applying some basic principles of behavioral design.”

How Behavioral Design Can Improve the Way You Measure and Report Business Results

What is behavioral design?

Behavioral design is a scientific approach to understanding how people behave and how to change their behavior. Behavioral science uses insights from psychology, neuroscience and other fields to understand why we do what we do–and then uses this information to influence our actions in ways that benefit us and others.

Behavioral designers can use this knowledge to improve marketing campaigns, sales pitches or even product development processes. They might help companies develop better systems for measuring customer satisfaction or create new ways for customers to share feedback about products or services on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

Why use behavioral design to measure and report business results?

Behavioral design is the process of using data to drive decisions. It’s a methodology that employs psychology and behavioral economics principles to improve outcomes for organizations and their customers.

Behavioral design can be used to improve business results in several ways:

  • Improve the user experience of your product or service by providing relevant content at the right time, based on what you know about them (e.g., where they are, what they’ve done previously).
  • Improve employee productivity by making it easier for them to get things done (e.g., by reducing busywork).

How can you put behavioral design into practice at your company?

Behavioral design is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the way you measure and report business results, product design, customer experience, internal processes and employee engagement. It’s also a great way to boost employee performance.

To get started with behavioral design in your organization:

  • Define what success looks like for each initiative you’re working on (for example: “increase website traffic by 20{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c}”).
  • Measure how well behaviors align with this definition of success using analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel (or even just Excel). If there are no existing data sets available for measuring behavior change at scale across multiple channels–or if those data sets aren’t being collected consistently–then start collecting them now! You’ll need them before making any decisions about how much effort should go into changing behaviors vs focusing on other areas like improving product quality or enhancing customer service interactions

Behavioral design can help build more sustainable business practices by using data to drive decisions.

Behavioral design is a powerful tool that can be used to help businesses understand how people make decisions, act on those decisions and feel about both. It can also help you determine whether or not your organization is creating the right conditions for sustainable results.

If you’re looking for a new way to measure your business results, or if you want to build more sustainable practices by using data rather than intuition alone, consider behavioral design as an approach that can help guide the way decisions are made within your organization.


The bottom line is that behavioral design can help you build more sustainable business practices by using data to drive decisions. By incorporating behavioral design into your reporting process, you’ll be able to increase the quality of information you receive from customers and other stakeholders, as well as make better decisions about where and how best to spend company resources.