October 21, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

How Technology Is Changing The Customer Experience

How Technology Is Changing The Customer Experience


The customer experience (CX) is changing. Businesses are utilising a variety of technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), voice-based commerce, chatbots and more. These developments in technology will not only help to improve the way we interact with customers but they will also boost the bottom line by increasing sales and reducing costs.

How Technology Is Changing The Customer Experience

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in customer service to predict customer behavior and improve the customer experience.

AI can be used to analyze large volumes of data and make predictions based on that information, which can then be used by businesses to provide better service or products. In this way, AI helps companies understand their customers better and provide them with more personalized experiences.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is a technology that allows digital information to be overlaid on top of the real world. It’s been used for years in video games and other entertainment industries, but it has also started to make its way into marketing and retail.

Many companies are using AR as a way to improve customer experience by making their products more accessible through mobile apps, websites and other digital platforms. For example, if you’re at home browsing through different styles of shoes on your phone or computer screen and decide that one pair looks good enough to buy right away–but then realize they don’t have your size in stock–the retailer could show an image of what those shoes would look like on your feet using augmented reality technology so that customers can see how they would actually fit before deciding whether or not they want them (and purchasing them).

Voice-based commerce

Voice-based commerce is the future of customer service. It’s a new way for customers to interact with businesses, and it can be used to complete transactions.

Voice assistants like Alexa and Siri are becoming more common in many homes, allowing people to shop or order food simply by speaking commands out loud. This technology is becoming more useful than ever before because it makes tasks easier on both sides: Customers don’t have to spend time navigating complex websites just to make purchases; businesses don’t have as much work maintaining their websites because they no longer need separate apps or programs that allow customers access their products through those specific mediums (like smartphones).

Chatbots – Automated responses to customer queries.

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate conversations with humans. They can be used to answer questions, provide information and perform tasks. Chatbots can be used to replace humans in customer service roles by answering FAQs or providing basic product information for a company’s website or app.

Chatterbot was the first chatbot created by Michael Mauldin in 1994 at the age of 16 years old on IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Since its inception, there have been many improvements made on this technology including Siri which was released by Apple as part of their iPhone 4S device in 2011; Cortana developed by Microsoft as part of Windows Phone 8; Alexa which powers Amazon Echo smart speakers; Google Assistant available through Android phones/tablets/home speakers etc..

Smart assistants – Siri, Alexa and Google Home.

Smart assistants are voice-based interfaces that can be used to answer questions, play music, set alarms and timers, control smart home devices and more. They’re accessed via a smartphone app or by voice commands. Smart assistants are usually connected to the internet but some are not (like Alexa).

Natural language processing (NLP) and predictive analytics.

Predictive analytics is the ability to use data to make predictions about future events. It’s a way of using historical information, like customer behavior and preferences, in order to predict what they’re going to do next.

NLP is the ability of a computer system (like Siri) or app (like Google Assistant) to understand human speech and respond appropriately. With these two technologies working together, businesses can better understand their customers–and even predict what they want before they know themselves!

Digital transformation is changing the way businesses interact with their customers.

The digital transformation is changing the way businesses interact with their customers. Customers are no longer just customers; they are partners, and as such, expect more from businesses. They are more informed and better equipped to make decisions about products and services than ever before. This means that companies need to change the way they do business if they want to remain competitive in today’s world of technology-driven commerce.

Digital transformation is about building brand loyalty and customer trust by providing an improved experience for your customers (and potential ones!). It also helps build engagement by giving people reasons to keep coming back again and again–and hopefully refer their friends along the way!


The customer experience is changing, and it’s important that you keep up with these changes. If your business isn’t ready for the digital transformation, you may find yourself falling behind your competitors and losing customers as a result.