October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

How To Secure Your Small Business In 5 Steps: Part 1 (Access Control)

How To Secure Your Small Business In 5 Steps: Part 1 (Access Control)


If you’re like most small business owners, you probably spend the majority of your time thinking about how to improve the performance and profitability of your company. But what about protecting it? Small businesses are a prime target for cybercriminals because they lack the resources of larger corporations to fight back against hacks and other attacks. It’s critical that you develop an IT security plan for your small business as soon as possible so that hackers don’t catch you off guard! In this post, we’ll walk through five steps that will help ensure your small business is safe from cyber criminals:

How To Secure Your Small Business In 5 Steps: Part 1 (Access Control)

1. Do a risk assessment

The first step in securing your small business is to do a risk assessment. This means identifying the risks that your business faces, such as theft or damage to assets and data. Then, you need to figure out what assets are most important for the smooth running of your company (e.g., computers and servers). Next, identify threats against those assets (e.g., hackers), along with vulnerabilities in their defenses (e.g., weak passwords). Finally, assess what controls exist today–and any gaps between them–and determine how serious these gaps would be if exploited by an attacker or other threat source (e.g., unauthorized access).

The result will be two lists: one detailing vulnerabilities; another listing controls currently in place that could mitigate those vulnerabilities if properly implemented by employees at every level within an organization

2. Implement physical security procedures

  • Implement physical security procedures

You should have a locked door and windows, use alarm systems, install security cameras and/or hire a security guard. This is the best way to secure your small business in 5 steps!

3. Secure your Wi-Fi network

You can secure your Wi-Fi network by using a virtual private network (VPN), firewall and password manager.

A VPN is an encrypted connection to the Internet that routes all of your traffic through a third party server. This means that even if someone manages to steal your username and password, they won’t be able to access any of the data on your computer because it will be encrypted before being sent over the Internet. A good VPN service costs money but will protect you against hackers trying to get into your system remotely or hackers who have already gained physical access via public Wi-Fi networks outside of their office building or home (like at Starbucks).

A firewall is software that monitors incoming and outgoing traffic from devices connected directly into a computer system’s network card (or “NIC”). It blocks unauthorized attempts at accessing sensitive information stored on those systems by malicious users such as hackers looking for weaknesses in order exploit them later down line when needed most – during an attack!

4. Use added security protocols on all devices used by employees

  • Use added security protocols on all devices used by employees

If you’re going to have a small business, it’s important to use the right tools and technology to ensure the safety of your company data. In addition to using a firewall and VPN, consider implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for all remote access methods used by employees; this means they’ll need an additional login code in order for their computer or phone to connect with yours over the internet. It’s also wise to set up mobile device management so that you can remotely wipe any lost or stolen devices that contain sensitive information about your company or clients. Finally, make sure everyone has strong passwords–but don’t forget about password managers either!

5. Provide training to educate employees

  • Provide training to educate employees. Employees need to know how to identify and report suspicious activity, as well as what to do in the event of a security breach. They should also be familiar with the security features of their devices and software so that they can use them properly.

Securing your small business is more than just IT infrastructure

Securing your small business is more than just IT infrastructure. It’s also about access control, which is a critical component of security. Whether you’re securing your office building or a manufacturing facility, physical and digital access control are essential elements for safeguarding your assets and keeping people safe.

Physical Access Control refers to any device that prevents unauthorized entry into specific areas of a property by controlling who can enter those spaces by means of an electronic lock door or gate (such as with an electric strike). Digital Access Control refers to software-based systems used in conjunction with physical locks where users need to be authenticated before being granted access rights through an electronic reader device connected via Ethernet cable or wireless network connection.”


The key to securing your small business is to be proactive. You can’t afford to wait until there’s a breach before you begin implementing security measures. Take the time now to assess your risks, develop a plan and implement procedures that will help protect your company from threats both online and offline.