October 21, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Surviving and Thriving in the Remote Work Era: Tips for Boosting Efficiency

Surviving and Thriving in the Remote Work Era: Tips for Boosting Efficiency


Working from home, or even just working remotely, has become increasingly common in recent years. With more and more people using the internet for their work, and more companies embracing this trend, there are now many options for those who want to live an adventurous life — whether that means traveling around the world or simply enjoying a few days off every week. As one of those people who works remotely full time on a freelance basis, I have learned a lot about how to be productive while working independently. Here are my top tips for surviving and thriving as a remote worker:

Surviving and Thriving in the Remote Work Era: Tips for Boosting Efficiency

Get organized.

You’ve heard it before, but organization is key to staying productive and sane in remote work. It’s the first step to making sure you have everything you need at your fingertips when you need it–and that everything is where it should be so you don’t waste time looking for things or missing deadlines because they weren’t filed away properly.

Here are some tips on how to get organized:

  • Use a tool like Trello or Asana for task management so that everyone knows what needs doing, who’s working on what, and when each project will be ready for review by others in the company or clients/customers (if applicable). If possible, create separate boards with different categories of tasks so that each member has an idea of what’s going on within their own department without having access to sensitive information outside their area of expertise; if this isn’t possible due to security reasons then just make sure everyone understands how confidential information should be treated before allowing them access

Join or start a community.

Joining or starting a community is one of the best ways to keep your goals in sight, stay accountable for them and find new opportunities. You can find communities on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram–but those aren’t the only places where you can look for like-minded people who share your passions.

If you have a specific interest (like blogging or running), try searching for local meetups related to that topic by using hashtags like #bloggermeetup or #runnersetcetera on Instagram; this will help you find other writers/runners in your area who may be interested in joining forces with you!

Create a routine.

To stay productive and happy, it’s important to create a routine. The best way to do this is by creating something that works for your lifestyle and can be adjusted when needed.

For example, if you’re working from home, then going out in the morning will probably be easier than waking up early and getting ready for work. However, if you are not an early riser (like me), then creating the habit of getting up at 6AM every day may help with motivation as well as productivity levels during those long hours at work!

It’s also important that your routine doesn’t become too rigid or inflexible—if there’s nothing fun about what you’re doing right now then maybe try something new instead? Or maybe try breaking up one part of this activity into multiple smaller tasks so they don’t feel like such monstrosities?

Set boundaries.

The most important thing you can do is to set boundaries between your work, personal and family time. You want to be able to separate these different parts of your life so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by them all at once.

It’s also important to have time for yourself! Make sure that every week you have some time away from work that isn’t spent catching up on emails or answering calls from clients/customers.

Get real about your needs during downtime.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is thinking that downtime is a waste of time. There are moments when you’re going to be more productive than others, and you need to allow yourself time for rest and relaxation–even if it means stepping away from your computer or taking an hour-long lunch break.

It’s also important not to get caught in a cycle of guilt when you aren’t able to get everything done right away. If there are tasks that keep popping up on your radar and causing stress, consider delegating them so they don’t pile up over time (and take up space in your head). And if all else fails? Find someone else who’s willing to help out!

Recharge with nature, exercise and sleep.

One of the most important factors in feeling alert and productive is getting enough sleep. This can be difficult to achieve when you’re working from home, as there are so many distractions that will prevent you from drifting off at night. To keep yourself on track, create an environment that promotes quality rest: turn off all electronics an hour before bedtime; use blackout curtains or an eye mask if necessary; listen to music without lyrics; set a firm sleep schedule (even if it means waking up earlier than usual).

The importance of exercise cannot be overstated–it helps with everything from stress reduction to weight loss–but many remote workers don’t make time for it because they feel they don’t have access to gyms or other facilities near them. Luckily, there are plenty of ways around this problem: take walks outside every day; go swimming at your local pool (many offer lap swims); invest in some workout DVDs like P90X or Insanity; use workout apps like Nike Training Club on Apple TV or Fitbit Coach on Android TV devices such as Google Chromecast 2nd Generation Streaming Media Player

Working effectively while remote is as much an art as it is a science, but by setting yourself up with proper resources, you can make the most of your time working wherever you want!

Working effectively while remote is as much an art as it is a science, but by setting yourself up with proper resources, you can make the most of your time working wherever you want!

  • Be realistic about your needs.

You don’t have to be always on and available 24/7 in order to be productive. Make sure that what you’re doing aligns with what matters most in your life and career goals–and if it doesn’t, then maybe consider rethinking how (or whether) this job fits into those bigger picture plans.

  • Don’t get caught up in the hype.

There’s no shortage of articles claiming that remote work is “the future” or touting some new app that will magically solve all of your problems–but take them with a grain of salt! The reality is that there are no silver bullets here: just like any other job situation, being effective at home requires discipline on both sides: yours and your employer’s (or client’s). Don’t expect everyone else around you will suddenly change their behavior because they know where exactly where their employee lives now; instead focus on making sure YOURSELF has everything set up properly so nothing comes back around later down the line when things start falling apart because someone wasn’t paying attention when s/he should’ve been doing so already..


The remote work era is here, and it’s not going anywhere. Millions of people around the world are working from home or their favorite coffee shop every day, and they’re doing so because it gives them more freedom and flexibility than ever before. But this doesn’t mean that remote workers don’t need help–they do! The tips we’ve shared here are just some of the many ways you can boost your efficiency when working remotely so that you can get more done in less time while still feeling energized at the end of each day.