October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

The Story About Finding The Right Management Style To Use

The Story About Finding The Right Management Style To Use


When it comes to management styles, there are hundreds of them. Some work, others don’t. It’s important to know which ones do and which ones don’t before you try them out on your team. Here are a few different options for how to manage remote workers:

The Story About Finding The Right Management Style To Use

How do you manage remote workers?

While it’s true that remote workers can be more productive than their in-office counterparts, they can also be more difficult to manage. Here are some tips on how to make sure your team of remote employees is engaged and motivated:

  • Make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing at all times. This is especially important in the beginning when you’re getting things started with your new team members, but even after a few months pass this will still be important for keeping everything running smoothly by keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Hold regular meetings where everyone gets together for face time (or video chat) so that you can stay connected as a team and keep an eye on how things are going with each other, both personally and professionally.*If possible try not having all meetings at once; instead break up into smaller groups based on what projects need attention from each member so no one gets overwhelmed with too much information at once.*

What are the best management styles?

There are many different management styles, and they all have their pros and cons. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Be a good listener. Listening to your employees is an invaluable skill that can help them feel heard and valued by you. It also means you’ll know what’s going on in their lives, which makes it easier for you as a manager if they need something from work (like more time off).
  • Be a good communicator. Communication is key when managing people because it keeps everyone informed about what’s going on with projects or company policies–which saves time when questions come up later down the road!
  • Be a good leader who sets clear expectations for your team members so that no one feels like they’re working in the dark when trying to figure out what their job responsibilities entail each day/week/month/year at work; this will help keep morale high among employees while lowering stress levels overall since everyone knows exactly how much work needs doing during any given period based off previous experience instead of just guessing whether something might need done based solely upon intuition alone (which often leads towards inaccurate guesses).

How do you know what works for your company?

The first step to finding the right management style for your company is to understand the most common management styles. These are:

  • Autocratic. This is a top-down approach where the manager makes all of the decisions and delegates tasks as they see fit. The autocratic style works best when there are few employees, but it can be difficult to maintain in larger companies because there will be times when you need input from others on how best to accomplish something.
  • Democratic (or participative). This approach involves team members having some say over how things get done, which can help foster loyalty between employees if everyone feels like they have an equal voice at work–but only if everyone’s opinion matters! If only one person gets listened too while everyone else has their ideas ignored then morale suffers quickly because no one feels valued by their employer anymore than just another cog in some giant machine.”

When should you change management styles?

  • When you have a new hire.
  • When you have a new manager.
  • When you have a new team member.
  • When you have a new project.
  • When you have a new client, vendor or partner to work with, because they will all bring their own style of management and communication with them into the mix!

Knowing how to adapt your management style is a great skill to have.

Knowing how to adapt your management style is a great skill to have. It will help you grow as a manager, it will help you grow as a person and it’ll also help the people around you grow too!

Let’s say that one day you’re working with an employee who needs more guidance than others, so they can learn how things work around here. In this case, being able to adjust your management style would be beneficial because knowing how much guidance someone needs is important in order for them not only succeed but also feel successful at their job.


Managing remote workers is a unique challenge. You can’t rely on the same old methods, but you also don’t want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The key is finding a management style that works for your company and its needs. This means being open-minded enough to try new things–and even abandon them if necessary!