October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

What You Need to Know About Third-Party Security and Identity Verification

What You Need to Know About Third-Party Security and Identity Verification


Last week, a friend of mine had their credit card information stolen by a hacker who was able to access their account through the phone company’s website. Fortunately, this friend understands technology well enough to realize that there could be something wrong with their computer or account. But not everyone is so savvy—and when it comes to identity theft, ignorance is certainly not bliss! So what do you need to know about third-party security? Where can you go for help if something goes wrong? What should you do if an unauthorized individual tries accessing your accounts because they’ve gained access through someone else’s system? In this article, we’ll cover all these topics and more.

What You Need to Know About Third-Party Security and Identity Verification

What is third-party security?

Third-party security is the security of a company, other than your own, that you rely on to protect your users. For example, if you’re an ecommerce platform and use Stripe as a payment processor, Stripe’s third-party security is responsible for protecting all of its customers’ credit card information.

Third-party identity verification (3V) providers are also considered third-party securities because they provide services outside your control but still affect how safe it feels for someone to enter their personal information into an application built by someone else. For example: If I’m building an app that requires users sign up with Facebook or Google Login before they can create an account–that’s a 3V provider!

Why does it matter?

Third-party security is an important part of your overall security plan. It can protect your company from a variety of threats, such as attacks, data breaches and other problems. If you haven’t already looked into third-party security services for the protection of your business, now is the time to do so!

How does it affect me?

You may be wondering how this affects you. The answer is simple: it affects your business in a big way.

You can expect lower productivity, increased costs and potential reputational damage if you don’t have adequate third-party security measures in place. You could also face legal ramifications if customer data is compromised because of a breach in third-party security.

How to avoid third-party security problems

While the internet is an amazing tool for information, it can also be a minefield of scams and fraud. There are many things you can do to ensure that you don’t fall victim to third-party security issues:

  • Know what you’re doing. If something feels off or seems too good be true, it probably is. Don’t click on links in emails from people who aren’t familiar with your company; they could take advantage of this opportunity to access sensitive personal data or account information by tricking users into giving away their credentials or signing up for services under false pretenses (i.e., without permission).
  • Get a second opinion from someone who knows more than just how to use Google Translate! You may not know what kind of services are out there–or even whether some of them exist at all–but someone else might have heard about them before and has some advice on whether or not they’re safe enough for use without further research first hand…or maybe even better yet: just ask around locally so everyone gets involved instead! This way no one gets left behind in terms of knowing where their money goes when using third parties online instead of locally owned businesses here locally owned businesses always win because we care about our communities more than anyone else does.”

Knowing what you’re dealing with can help you make the best decisions for your company.

You can’t control everything, but you can control some things. Knowing what you’re dealing with before you make any decisions is important. You need to know the risks involved with third-party security and identity verification services before you decide whether or not they are right for your company.


In the end, third-party security is a complicated issue. It’s important that you understand how it affects your company and how to avoid problems with it. If you’re looking for more information on this topic, check out our blog post on the subject!