October 20, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Why Businesses Need To Be Proactive With Cybersecurity

Why Businesses Need To Be Proactive With Cybersecurity


Cybercrime is on the rise. From ransomware attacks to hackers stealing millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, cybercriminals are doing their best to pull every trick in their book. However, as a business owner or manager, you have an opportunity to stay ahead of these threats by taking a proactive approach to cybersecurity. By putting the right cybersecurity plan into place and ensuring that it covers all your bases (including digital risk officers), you can minimize your risk of falling victim to cybercrime—and improve your organization’s overall resilience against modern-day threats.

Why Businesses Need To Be Proactive With Cybersecurity

Cybercrime is on the rise.

Cybercrime is a growing problem that affects businesses and consumers around the world. It’s not just about data theft anymore; cybercriminals are also causing damage to systems, which can result in significant losses for companies. According to Juniper Research, cybercrime costs the world economy billions of dollars every year. The following statistics illustrate why it’s important for companies to take measures against such threats:

  • The number of new malware samples increased by more than 40 percent between 2017 and 2018 (from 2 million to 3 million).
  • In 2018 alone, there were over 15 billion incidents involving ransomware infections across all industries.

It’s difficult for businesses to protect themselves against cyber threats.

It’s difficult for businesses to protect themselves against cyber threats. Cybersecurity is a never-ending process, and it can be difficult for businesses to stay on top of new threats as they emerge. When you’re dealing with an ever-changing landscape of attacks, it’s important that you have experts who can help you identify potential risks and put measures in place that will keep your network secure at all times.

In addition, many companies underestimate the importance of cyber security because they don’t realize how much damage one breach could cause them financially or reputationally (or both). If hackers are able to access sensitive information about your company–like customer data or intellectual property–they could use it maliciously against your business in any number of ways: blackmailing employees; stealing money from accounts; preventing customers from accessing their accounts via email etc…

There are many different types of cyber threats to protect against.

There are many different types of cyber threats to protect against. Here are some of the most common:

  • Phishing scams, which trick people into giving up their passwords or other sensitive information. These can be very convincing and hard to detect, so it’s important for businesses to train employees on how to spot them.
  • Ransomware attacks, where hackers encrypt all of your company’s data and then demand payment in order for you to get it back (a kind of blackmail). These kinds of attacks can be devastating if not dealt with quickly; organizations need tools that allow them access their data without paying any ransom money–and fast!
  • Botnets (the term refers specifically here not just any type “bot” but rather an organized network), are large networks that consist of infected computers controlled remotely by hackers who use them either as part of coordinated criminal activities like spamming or phishing schemes; they may also be used simply as zombies which gather information about users’ online activity without their knowledge while providing bandwidth so that attackers can send out more spam messages than would otherwise be possible by themselves

The first step in protecting your business is to be proactive rather than reactive.

The first step in protecting your business is to be proactive rather than reactive. When you are proactive, you are able to anticipate and plan for potential security risks before they become a problem. Being reactive means that you only take action after something bad has happened–and by then it’s often too late!

Let’s look at some examples of proactive vs. reactive actions:

  • Proactive – Having an employee training program that teaches employees how best to handle sensitive data or what steps they can take if they believe their personal information has been compromised by hackers (for example). This helps prevent data breaches before they occur, which saves time and money later on down the road when dealing with fallout from a breach such as identity theft or reputational damage caused by negative press coverage related directly back into these types of situations happening within companies themselves where no one wants those kinds of things happening because then people might lose faith in them overall which isn’t good either way since customers aren’t going anywhere else so unless someone moves away then chances are pretty high someone will still come back here again someday even though maybe not right away but eventually anyway so why worry about anything too much? But definitely check out this awesome blog post we wrote awhile ago about cybersecurity best practices anyone can use today without spending any money upfront whatsoever!

You need a cybersecurity plan that covers all the different types of threats.

You need a cybersecurity plan that covers all the different types of threats. It’s important to have a plan in place, but it’s also important to understand what your risks are and how you’re going to address them. You need to be able to measure the effectiveness of your plan, so you can make adjustments when necessary.

Have a digital risk officer who can help you stay on top of things.

What is a Digital Risk Officer?

A Digital Risk Officer (DRO) is someone who has the responsibility to manage your cybersecurity and IT risks. They can help you with everything from setting up an IT department, to understanding what sort of protection you need, to keeping track of all the security updates that come out on a regular basis. It’s not just about protecting against hackers–it’s also about making sure that people within your company don’t accidentally fall prey to phishing attacks or malware infections by clicking on malicious links in email or social media posts.

How does having one help businesses?

Having someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes to digital security can be invaluable for any company looking at growing its customer base online without losing sight of its physical location in real life; after all, if someone gets hacked while they’re shopping at home then there could be serious consequences for both parties involved! A DRO will make sure there aren’t any weak spots in either direction: no matter where customers choose interact with us digitally (or how often), we’ll always be able to offer them reliable protection against any potential threats.”

Don’t wait until it’s too late to implement proper cybersecurity measures!

If you have been reading our blog, then you know that we are not just talking about cybersecurity. We are talking about a continuous process that involves four steps:

  • Preparation
  • Detection
  • Response/Recovery
  • Mitigation


Cybercrime is on the rise and it’s important for businesses to take precautions against these threats. It can be difficult for businesses to protect themselves against cyber threats, but there are many different types of cybersecurity plans that can help you stay protected from different types of attacks. The first step in protecting yourself from hackers or other criminals is being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to cybersecurity measures such as antivirus software updates or firewalls on new devices before they’re even plugged in at home or work!