October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Building A Stronger Online Presence: The Ultimate Guide (Part 1)

Building A Stronger Online Presence: The Ultimate Guide (Part 1)


You’ve got a great idea, but you don’t know how to grow your audience or the right way to capture their attention. You want to learn how to market and sell products online in a way that works for you and your business. You’re ready to start building an online brand, but have no idea where to begin. You’re overwhelmed by all of the options out there and don’t know where to start. You’re here because you want to build a stronger online presence—and so am I! Together we can figure out what type of strategy works best for your goals, personality, and budget (and then execute it).

Building A Stronger Online Presence: The Ultimate Guide (Part 1)

You’re here because you want to build a stronger online presence.

You’re here because you want to build a stronger online presence.

That’s great! You know that having an online presence is important, but maybe you’re not sure why or how to start. Maybe it’s been on your mind for awhile but every time you try to take action, it feels like too much work and too much time away from doing the things that are most important in your life right now–like sleeping or eating pizza (or both).

So let’s get down to it: why do we need an online presence? Because social media has become part of our daily lives as consumers, creators and citizens. We use social networks like Facebook and Instagram as forums for political debate; we share videos from YouTube with friends; we follow brands on Twitter so they can keep us updated with their latest news and offers; even when we don’t use these channels ourselves anymore (i.e., Snapchat), there are still plenty of others who do–and those users will see whatever information is posted by accounts linked directly back towards yours!

You want to get more traffic, but you’re not sure where to start.

You want to get more traffic, but you’re not sure where to start.

Traffic is important because it’s how people find your website or blog and learn about what you’re offering. Different types of traffic have different value: some are easier to get than others, while some bring in more revenue for your business. If a customer finds a product they like on Amazon, for instance, they may buy it immediately without ever visiting the company’s website–this type of person would be considered direct traffic because he came directly from searching online (and thus has high conversion rates). On the other hand, if someone reads an article about life insurance on one website and then clicks through links until he finds another site selling life insurance policies with better prices than those offered by his current provider–this would be referred to as organic search because it happened naturally over time rather than being forced upon him by ads or links placed elsewhere on the web (and thus has lower conversion rates).

You’ve got a great idea, but you don’t know how to grow your audience or the right way to capture their attention.

You’ve got a great idea, but you don’t know how to grow your audience or the right way to capture their attention.

You’re not alone! Growing an audience is hard work and requires both time and money. You need to know who you’re trying to reach, what they want (or need), how they like their information delivered and then figure out how best for them to receive that information by figuring out where all those people are hanging out online–and then going there!

That’s why we created this guide: To help walk you through everything from understanding your audience through knowing what kind of content works best for them so that when it comes time for launch day all our bases are covered…

You want to learn how to market and sell products online in a way that works for you and your business.

You want to learn how to market and sell products online in a way that works for you and your business.

You’ve heard about the power of marketing, but you may be wondering: what exactly is it? And why should I care? Marketing is a process of getting your product in front of the right audience at the right time with information that will resonate with them. It’s an ongoing conversation between you and potential customers–a conversation where they tell you what they want, while also helping guide the direction of future iterations of your product or service. If done right, this back-and-forth can lead to more sales conversions than any other tactic on its own!

You’re ready to start building an online brand, but have no idea where to begin.

You’re ready to start building an online brand, but have no idea where to begin.

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to be a tech wizard or have any background in marketing! Even if all you know how to do on the computer is browse Facebook, this guide will help get you started on creating your own website and establishing an email address so that people can contact you with questions or inquiries about your business.

Let’s start by taking a look at some basic tools that will make managing your brand much easier later on down the road (and these are free):

  • A domain name – This is what people type into their browser when they want to visit your website; it should be easy-to-remember and reflect who/what is being advertised (i.e., if my company sells dog treats then maybe “fidofoods dot com” would work). If possible try not only include words related directly back but also consider including keywords related indirectly as well (“dogtreatsforpups dot com”). Domain names cost anywhere between $10-$15 per year depending on which one(s) are available at any given time; however there are sites such as GoDaddy which offer discounted rates through coupons or promo codes so keep checking back regularly until finding something within budget that works well too!

You’re overwhelmed by all of the options out there and don’t know where to start.

You’re overwhelmed by all of the options out there and don’t know where to start. You can’t see the forest for all of those trees!

First, let’s get one thing straight: you are not alone in your confusion about how best to use social media as a business tool. There are so many different ways to go about this that it can be hard to know where or how to begin building an online presence that works for your company’s needs and goals. But don’t worry–you’re not lost! We’ve got everything you need right here in this guide (and Part 2), so keep reading and learning along with us as we break down each step of building a strong online presence into manageable pieces that will help clarify exactly how much work is involved in taking on such an ambitious project before diving into it head first without knowing what might happen next…

The Ultimate Guide will help you find what you need!

The Ultimate Guide will help you find what you need!

In this guide, we’ll be talking about building a strong online presence through social media. This means that when people search for your business or brand on Google or any other search engine, they can easily find it and connect with you. You’ll also learn how to make sure that your content (such as blog posts) gets found by these same searchers so that they are exposed to the information that matters most about what makes your company special.


We hope this guide has helped you get a better idea of what it takes to build a stronger online presence. There are so many options out there, but we’re here to help! If you want more information on how to grow your audience or sell products online, check out our other blog posts. We’ll be posting new content every week so stay tuned!