October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Targeted Cyberattacks: One of the Most Common Network Security Threats

Targeted Cyberattacks: One of the Most Common Network Security Threats


Targeted cyberattacks are one of the most common network security threats that businesses face. These attacks are harder to detect and can cause more damage than distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Targeted attacks come from individuals or groups with political and financial motives who try to steal personal information, money or intellectual property from networks users.

Targeted Cyberattacks: One of the Most Common Network Security Threats

Targeted cyberattacks are not only more common than distributed denial of service attacks, but also harder to detect.

Targeted cyberattacks are not only more common than distributed denial of service attacks, but also harder to detect.

In fact, targeted cyberattacks account for a whopping 69{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} of all network security threats. This is according to a recent study conducted by the Ponemon Institute which examined data from over 4,000 organizations around the world.

These targeted attacks can be extremely damaging on their own. However, they’re often used as a precursor to other forms of malicious activity like data theft or ransomware attacks (which we’ll talk about later).

The use of targeted attacks is increasing.

Targeted attacks continue to be one of the most common network security threats. In fact, they are on the rise. The number of targeted attacks has increased by 59{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} in 2017 compared to 2016 data. This means that more people are being attacked with malicious software or phishing emails than ever before and it’s important for you to be aware of what these threats look like so that you can protect yourself from them.

The use of targeted attacks is also becoming more common because they are easier than ever before for hackers to perform thanks to tools like ransomware and cryptominers that allow them to break into systems without having any knowledge about computers or networks at all!

Targeted attacks are less common than distributed denial of service attacks, but they are becoming more common.

Targeted attacks are less common than distributed denial of service attacks, but they are becoming more common.

Targeted cyberattacks are far harder to detect and prevent than DDOS attacks, which means that they can cause serious damage before you know what’s happening. They’re also harder to stop and track down once they’ve happened, even if you know who the attacker is or where they’re coming from.

Cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab reported that the number of targeted attacks increased by 59 percent in 2017 compared with 2016 data.

Targeted attacks are one of the most common network security threats. In fact, cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab reported that the number of targeted attacks increased by 59 percent in 2017 compared with 2016 data.

This is a big problem because targeted attacks are more difficult to detect than distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which occur when an attacker uses multiple devices to overwhelm a website or web application with traffic, making it unavailable for users. A DDoS attack can be carried out using several methods including:

  • Botnets–a collection of computers infected with malware that allows a hacker remote access;
  • DNS reflection/amplification–re-routing traffic through other machines on the internet; * Spam emails containing links leading people into malicious websites;

Targeted attacks can come from individuals or groups with political and financial motives.

Targeted attacks are more common than distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, but they’re also harder to detect. The attackers often use targeted attacks for political or financial gain, and they can be part of a larger campaign. For example, if someone wants to hack into your company’s servers and steal information, they’ll likely target specific employees who have access to that data–like an IT specialist or someone in HR–and then use them as vectors for their attack by sending them phishing emails or other forms of social engineering.

Targeted cyberattacks can come from individuals or groups with political and financial motives; however, most organizations won’t know who is behind these types of incursions until after the fact because they tend not only target one person but also many different people at once across multiple organizations over time before being detected by security teams working in tandem with law enforcement agencies like the FBI.”

Cybercriminals use targeted attacks to steal personal information, money and intellectual property from network users.

Targeted attacks are a popular method for cybercriminals to steal personal information, money and intellectual property from network users. These attackers use their knowledge of the victim’s organization or job role to launch an attack on them specifically. They may be employed by the company itself or work for another company that has access to sensitive data within the network.

For example, if you’re an employee at a bank and your employer suspects that you’re leaking customer information through your email account (or any other channel), they might hire someone who specializes in targeted attacks against employees like yourself. A skilled hacker could gain access to all of your work emails without being detected by monitoring systems because they know exactly what activities would attract attention from IT staff–and therefore avoid them altogether!

A targeted attack includes malware that infects computers and networks through a vulnerability in an operating system or a software application to take control of devices without the user’s knowledge.

A targeted attack is a type of cyberattack designed to gain access to private computer systems. This can include malware that infects computers and networks through a vulnerability in an operating system or a software application, taking control of devices without the user’s knowledge. The attacker then uses this access to steal information or disrupt operations on the network.

Malicious software (also known as “malware”) has been around since before personal computers were available for home use; however, modern-day cybercriminals have found new ways to use it against businesses and individuals alike. Malware can be used to install other malicious software on your device when you visit an infected website or download an infected file from email attachments sent by someone who wants nothing more than for their own gain at your expense (i.e., criminals).

Many targeted cyberattacks are part of a larger “campaign” against a specific company, organization or country that lasts for weeks or months at a time and involves multiple technologies and techniques.

Targeted cyberattacks are part of a larger “campaign” against a specific company, organization or country that lasts for weeks or months at a time and involves multiple technologies and techniques. The motive behind these attacks is to gain access to the target’s network and then use it for malicious purposes such as stealing data or sending spam emails. Attackers may be individuals or groups with financial motivations, political motives, or both. In many cases they use sophisticated tools like malware (malicious software) that enables them to bypass traditional security measures like firewalls and antivirus software so they can remain undetected while in your system until they accomplish their goal.

Businesses need to be ready for these types of attacks by making sure their network security is up-to-date.

Businesses need to be ready for these types of attacks by making sure their network security is up-to-date. This means that your antivirus software is up-to-date and running, your operating system and software are up-to-date, and your firewalls are also as well.

If you don’t already have a firewall installed on your business’s computers, we recommend setting one up immediately to help keep out malicious threats like this one from entering into the network through any open ports or backdoors that may exist in older versions of Windows or macOS (or whatever else).


Targeted cyberattacks are becoming more common, and businesses need to be ready for them. By making sure that your network security is up-to-date, you can protect yourself from these types of attacks.