October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

Tips for Building A Strong Technology Infrastructure

Tips for Building A Strong Technology Infrastructure


When we talk about a remote work environment, many of us think of a laptop and a coffee shop. However, what many people don’t realize is that there is a lot more to it than that– especially when it comes to building a strong infrastructure.

When I first started working remotely myself, my team and I learned this the hard way: when something goes wrong with your internet connection or even with your computer, it can be difficult to resolve those problems if they aren’t in the same room as you are. We realized quickly how important it was to have our own office space and technology infrastructure so that we could fix any issues immediately without having to wait for help from someone else or go somewhere else entirely!

Tips for Building A Strong Technology Infrastructure

The infrastructure is not just technology, it’s people.

The infrastructure is not just technology, it’s people.

The most important part of your infrastructure is the people who make it work. The best systems and tools in the world won’t help you if you don’t have someone on staff who knows how to use them properly, or if they’re too expensive for your business model. People are also needed to keep up with changes in technology; as new advancements come out, there need to be people on hand who can adapt your infrastructure accordingly so that everything remains functional and efficient at all times–even when things go wrong (which they inevitably will).

Be selective about which tools you use.

When you’re building a tech infrastructure, it’s important to be selective about which tools you use. You’ll want to make sure that the tools in use are the right ones for your business, team and company culture.

If your company is small and growing fast (like mine), then it may not make sense for everyone on staff to have access to every app under the sun–especially if they don’t need it or won’t use it regularly enough to justify having an account with them. When choosing which apps are right for your organization, think carefully about who will need what services most often and how much time they’ll spend working with those tools over time as well as how familiar each person would be with using each system before making any final decisions about what kind of technology infrastructure makes sense for both productivity purposes as well as cost savings down the road when comparing against potential costs associated with hiring additional staff members just so everyone can access all available resources equally without needing someone else’s help doing so!

It’s about the experience, not the app.

The most important thing is the experience, not the app.

The app is just a tool to help you get there.

The business is not about building apps or websites; it’s about helping people solve problems and develop new ways of thinking about their lives and businesses.

The product isn’t just what you build; it’s how everything works together as a whole system that supports users’ goals and needs in every area of their life (work/life balance).

Don’t buy everything at once.

Don’t be afraid to start small. You don’t need to buy everything at once, and there’s no reason why you should! Start with what you need and add more as you go.

Focus on what’s most important first: For example, if your business is just getting started and needs a website, focus on building out the website before worrying about other tools like analytics or CRM software (which we’ll discuss later).

When in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask for help from an expert.

This is the most important piece of advice. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask for help from an expert. Don’t go to the first person who looks like they know what they’re doing; instead, find someone who has been around a while and has seen it all before.

If you don’t know how something works or how to fix it when things go wrong, make sure that your questions are directed at people who do know these things–and then listen carefully when they tell you! If there isn’t anyone around with this kind of expertise (or if everyone seems equally uncertain), consider making some kind of expert out of yourself by learning all there is about whatever problem you’re facing–it could save time later on down the road!

Having the right technology and people can make your remote work experience much more pleasant!

Technology is important, but it’s more about the people. The right technology can make your remote work experience much more pleasant!

The first thing you need to do is find the right software for your team. There are dozens of tools available for communicating with colleagues and tracking projects, but not every tool works for everyone or every company. You’ll want to do some research before deciding which one is best for you and your team members–and don’t forget about compatibility between different operating systems (OS)!

Once you’ve selected a few candidates, test them out by installing them on computers at home or work so that everyone can try them out together in person if possible (or online via video chat). Then ask each team member what they think about each product: Does it meet their needs? Is there anything missing? How easy was it get started using this program?


Technology is a powerful tool, but it’s not the only one. It’s important to remember that technology is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to building a remote work culture. The right people and tools will help make your experience more enjoyable and productive so that everyone can feel like they’re in the same room!