October 19, 2024

Amee Insko

Disruptive Technology

8 Practical Tips For Building A Strong Online Presence in 2015

8 Practical Tips For Building A Strong Online Presence in 2015


Your brand is your identity in the marketplace. It’s your promise to customers, potential customers, and other stakeholders that they can rely on you to deliver a quality product or service. However, just having a good product or service isn’t enough to build a solid business. You also need to have an effective online presence if you want people to find out about your business and reach out to you for more information about what you have to offer them. Here are some practical tips for building up your brand visibility:

8 Practical Tips For Building A Strong Online Presence in 2015

1. Make your brand visible

  • Make your brand visible

In order to build a strong online presence, you need to start by making sure that people can find you. To do this, the first thing is to create a professional logo and use it on all of your marketing materials. This includes things like business cards and signs for the store front window (if applicable). A good logo should be simple enough that someone could identify it from across the street or across town; but also distinct enough so as not be confused with other similar companies’ logos. In addition to creating an eye-catching design that stands out from competitors’ brands, make sure your website is mobile friendly so that potential customers can easily access information about products/services while they’re browsing on their phones during breaks at work or waiting in line at an airport terminal–places where most consumers access content these days!

2. Use social media to your advantage

Social media is a great way to interact with customers, build your brand and reach new audiences. It can also help you generate leads and build relationships with the people who matter most: your customers.

In addition to posting content on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, it’s important that you use them effectively as part of an overall strategy for generating leads or building relationships with potential customers. The best way to do this is by using “social selling.”

3. Diversify your branding efforts

Branding is all about consistency. Your brand should be recognizable, consistent and reliable in every facet of your business. However, it’s important not to get stuck in a rut when it comes to branding efforts: try different formats and platforms so that people can interact with you in different ways.

For example, if you’re an artist who creates paintings or sculptures (like me!), then consider hosting an opening event at an art gallery or museum–this can be done either online or in person; both options are equally valid! Another option would be creating short videos highlighting your work through Instagram or Vine (two very popular social media sites).

4. Keep an eye on Google Search Console and Webmaster Tools

If you want to build an online presence in 2015, it’s important that you keep an eye on Google Search Console and Webmaster Tools.

Webmaster Tools is a free service that provides you with information about your site’s performance in Google Search. This includes things like:

  • The number of pages indexed by Google (which can be helpful for knowing when it’s time to add some new content)
  • The most frequent queries made against your site (to help identify what people are looking for)
  • The keywords that drive traffic from search engines

5. Update, update, update!

Now that you’ve got a plan in place and have taken the time to set up your online presence, it’s time to think about how you can keep it fresh and relevant.

In order to do this, consider using a content management system (CMS). A CMS allows you to update all of the pages on your website from one central location without having to worry about coding or CSS updates. You can also use it as an RSS feed for social media so that whenever there is new content added anywhere on your site, it will be automatically posted across all channels. This means less work for you and more consistency across platforms!

6. Optimize your content for search engines and humans

  • Optimize your content for search engines and humans

When it comes to optimizing your content for search engines, there are two main things you should keep in mind:

  • Use keywords in your title and the first few paragraphs of text on the page (don’t go overboard). For example, if you want people looking for information about how to build a strong online presence in 2015 then “build strong online presence” would be a good keyword. You also want to use different variations on this phrase as well such as “build a strong online presence” or “how do i build a strong online presence?”
  • Make sure that each word has its own meaning so that readers can understand what they’re reading without having any prior knowledge about what exactly an SEO expert does!

7. Be consistent in your brand message across all channels

  • Don’t use different names for your brand.
  • Don’t use different logos for your brand.
  • Don’t use different colours for your brand.
  • Don’t use different taglines for your brand, or slogans, or catchphrases – whatever they may be called where you’re based!

8. Invest in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services and content creation services

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services are a must for any business looking to increase their brand awareness, drive traffic to their site and increase sales.

SEO helps you get more customers by helping your website rank higher in search engines such as Google, Yahoo! or Bing. The higher you rank in these search engines, the more likely people are going to find your business when they’re searching for something related to what you do. This can be especially useful if there is another company with similar products/services but who has been around longer than yours–if they don’t have an SEO strategy in place yet then they may easily lose out on potential customers who end up choosing someone else instead because they found them first!

Having a strong online presence is an essential component of your business success if you want to get noticed by customers and attract new ones who are looking for what you have to offer.

Having a strong online presence is an essential component of your business success if you want to get noticed by customers and attract new ones who are looking for what you have to offer.

Having a strong online presence means having:

  • A website that’s easy to navigate, attractive and informative. It should also be optimized for search engines like Google so people can find it when they search for products or services like yours in their area.
  • Social media accounts that reflect the personality of the brand (for example, if it’s playful then use humour). You should post regularly on these platforms with interesting content that engages followers/fans/friends – anything that makes them feel connected rather than just another follower on Facebook!


Only by taking these steps, can you build a strong online presence that will help your business grow and thrive.